The Power of Pocket Digestion: Our New Animation

Conventional agriculture often relies on open manure storage and synthetic fertilisers to meet crop demands. However, these methods come with significant environmental and economic drawbacks. Methane emissions from manure storage contribute to climate change, while nutrient run-off from fertilisers leads to water pollution and degraded ecosystems. Pocket digesters or small-scale digesters can reshape how farms manage waste and energy.

What is a Pocket Digester?

A pocket digester is a compact anaerobic digestion system that converts manure and other on-farm biomass into biogas and nutrient-rich digestate. Designed to be cost-effective and easy to operate, it offers a sustainable solution for farmers aiming to reduce their environmental footprint while improving farm efficiency.

How Does it Work?

At its core, a pocket digester mimics natural processes. Micro-organisms inside the digester break down the biomass in the absence of oxygen, producing biogas—a mix of methane and carbon dioxide. This biogas can then be used to generate electricity and heat, meeting the farm’s energy needs and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The leftover digestate, rich in nutrients, serves as an excellent organic fertiliser that supports soil health and reduces the need for synthetic alternatives.

Why Choose Pocket Digesters?

Pocket digesters bring a host of benefits that go beyond waste management:

  • Energy Savings: Biogas production provides a renewable energy source for farms, lowering energy bills and increasing energy independence.
  • Climate Impact: By capturing methane emissions from manure, pocket digesters help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, making them a powerful tool in combating climate change.
  • Nutrient Management: The digestate offers a sustainable fertiliser option, improving soil quality without the risks of nutrient run-off associated with synthetic fertilisers.
  • Economic Viability: Under certain conditions, a profitable case can be made. Pocket digesters represent a smart financial investment for farmers looking to future-proof their operations.

Ready to see a pocket digester in action? Our animated video below breaks down the process step by step.

Learn more

NUTRI-KNOW’s Operational Group (OG) Pocketboer 2 addressed issues with pocket digesters in Flanders, Belgium. The OG demonstrated the positive impact of small-scale digesters and improved their overall performance. Read more about Pocketboer 2 here.

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