Maximizing Organic Production Systems (MOPS)

Optimising the production of organic vegetables and fruit crops and improving supply consistency

The MOPS project, led by the Irish Organic Association, worked with 11 Irish growers nationwide to optimise production methods and improve the continuity of short supply chains through grower collaboration. A key component of the MOPS project are the Short-term Green Manure Trials, conducted over three years from July 2018 to May 2021.

During the trials, various summer and winter green manure mixes were sown and grown for 2 and 6 months respectively, with subsequent incorporation into the soil and planting of cash crops. The results were consistently positive, with benefits including improved weed control, increased presence of beneficial insects, greater functional diversity of soil bacteria, higher soil organic matter content, and earlier development of cash crops following green manure incorporation.

Overall, the findings highlight the value and potential of utilising short-term green manure practices to enhance crop production, spread harvest periods, and promote sustainable agriculture practices in organic vegetable production.
